Darron Wissinger
Tracker Action Pipe Organ Design & Consultation
Specializing in : Wind Chest Design * Action Design * Case Work Design * Facade Pipe Layout
30 Years Experience in Pipe Organ Design
Representative Organ Photos :
- Residence Organ, Wilmington, Delaware, 2 Manuals - 9 Stops
- Plymouth Congregational Church, Belmont, Mass., 2 Manuals - 18 Stops
- Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, 2 Manuals - 26 Stops
- Second Parish Church, Hingham, Mass., 2 Manuals - 17 Stops
- Hope Lutheran Church, Newcastle, Delaware, 2 Manuals - 16 Stops
2 Manual 14 Stop Residence Organ, New England :
St. James Episcopal Church, Amesbury, MA :
One-manual 4 stop Residence Organ, Dixon, New Mexico :
Rye, New Hampshire Residence Organ :
John H. Sole organ - 1890 :
Hinners Organ Opus 839, 1908 - 2 Manuals and Pedal, 14 stops:
Close-up of the Console:
Edward Lye & Sons - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Newington, NH:
Portable Continuo Organ :
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rochester, New York
You may e mail darronw at myfairpoint net BUT be sure to use "pipe organ" on the subject line.