Daniel Shepardson



My interest in cameras and photography stems from my father’s. He was a part-time professional photographer when I was a child and I have been chasing after his footsteps for 25 years. I have photographed many subjects in many places but prefer to capture landscapes and scenic views. While working for Markem, I had the opportunity to travel to Southeast Asia and visit places such as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. While working for Millipore, I had the opportunity to travel to Germany. Several photographs from those trips are part of this display, as well as photos from across the United States and our very own Keene, New Hampshire.


For 15 years I carried a Pentax K1000 35mm camera but was “relieved of the burden of it’s ownership” in 1997 on a Malaysia trip.  There I purchased a Nikon FE-10 35mm camera and accessories. Over the years I migrated toward the digital medium with a variety of low resolution digital cameras, but grew tired of carrying multiple cameras. I have now made the leap to a high resolution digital platform in 2006 with the purchase of a Canon EOS 8-megapixel Digital Rebel camera, leaving the 35mm world behind.


Over the years I have taken thousands of photographs. Here are a few of the ones that I  think “worked”. Every picture tells a story and I have created a narrative for each photograph which can be found by going to: http://www.shepardson.biz/ and selecting the “Photo Display” link.





Dan is a 1981 graduate of Monadnock Regional  High School and a 1989 graduate of Keene State College.  He and his wife Mary reside in Keene. He is currently employed at Smiths Medical Devices as an Electronic Controls Engineer and worked at Markem 1989 - 2002.


