The Netwide Assembler: NASM


! operator, unary: Section 3.5.7
!= operator: Section 4.4.4
$$ token: Section 3.5, Section 6.7.3
$, Here token: Section 3.5
$, prefix: Section 3.1, Section 3.4.1, Section 6.11.2
% operator: Section 3.5.6
%!: Section 4.10.2
%$ and %$$ prefixes: Section 4.7.2
%% operator: Section 3.5.6, Section 4.3.2
%+: Section 4.1.3
%?: Section 4.1.4
%??: Section 4.1.4
& operator: Section 3.5.3
&& operator: Section 4.4.4
* operator: Section 3.5.6
+ modifier: Section 4.3.3
+ operator, binary: Section 3.5.5
+ operator, unary: Section 3.5.7
- operator, binary: Section 3.5.5
- operator, unary: Section 3.5.7
..@ symbol prefix: Section 3.9, Section 4.3.2
/ operator: Section 3.5.6
// operator: Section 3.5.6
< operator: Section 4.4.4
<< operator: Section 3.5.4
<= operator: Section 4.4.4
<> operator: Section 4.4.4
= operator: Section 4.4.4
== operator: Section 4.4.4
> operator: Section 4.4.4
>= operator: Section 4.4.4
>> operator: Section 3.5.4
? MASM syntax: Section 3.2.2
^ operator: Section 3.5.2
^^ operator: Section 4.4.4
| operator: Section 3.5.1
|| operator: Section 4.4.4
~ operator: Section 3.5.7
%0 parameter count: Section 4.3.4, Section 4.3.5
%+1 and %-1 syntax: Section 4.3.8
16-bit mode, versus 32-bit mode: Section 5.1
64-bit displacement: Section 10.2
64-bit immediate: Section 10.2
-a option: Section 2.1.21, Section A.3.3
a16: Section 9.3
a32: Section 9.3
a86: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.2, Section 2.2.2, Section 2.2.6
ABS: Section 3.3
ABSOLUTE: Section 5.4, Section 6.2.1
addition: Section 3.5.5
addressing, mixed-size: Section 9.2
address-size prefixes: Section 3.1
algebra: Section 3.3
ALIGN: Section 4.8.10, Section 6.1.2, Section 6.2.1
ALIGNB: Section 4.8.10
alignment, in bin sections: Section 6.1.2
alignment, in elf sections: Section 6.7.2
alignment, in obj sections: Section 6.2.1
alignment, in win32 sections: Section 6.3.1
alignment, of elf common variables: Section 6.7.5
ALINK: Section 7.1.1 Section 7.1.1
alloc: Section 6.7.2
alt.lang.asm: Section 1.1.1, Section 1.2 Section 10.1
ambiguity: Section 2.2.3
a.out, BSD version: Section 6.9
a.out, Linux version: Section 6.8
aout: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.8
aoutb: Section 6.9, Section 8.2
%arg: Section 4.9.1
arg: Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
as86: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.1.1, Section 6.10
assembler directives: Chapter 5
assembly-time options: Section 2.1.18
%assign: Section 4.1.6
ASSUME: Section 2.2.4
AT: Section 4.8.9
Autoconf: Section 1.3.2
autoexec.bat: Section 1.3.1
auto-sync: Section A.3.3
-b: Section A.3
bin: Section 2.1.1, Section 2.1.2, Section 6.1
bin, multisection: Section 6.1.3
binary: Section 3.4.1
binary files: Section 3.2.3
bit shift: Section 3.5.4
BITS: Section 5.1, Section 6.1
__BITS__: Section 4.8.5
bitwise AND: Section 3.5.3
bitwise OR: Section 3.5.1
bitwise XOR: Section 3.5.2
block IFs: Section 4.7.5
boot loader: Section 6.1
boot sector: Section 11.1.3
Borland, Pascal: Section 7.5
Borland, Win32 compilers: Section 6.2
braces, after % sign: Section 4.3.7
braces, around macro parameters: Section 4.3
BSD: Section 8.2
.bss: Section 6.7.2, Section 6.8, Section 6.9, Section 6.10, Section 6.11
bugs: Section 11.2
bugtracker: Section 11.2
BYTE: Section 11.1.1
C calling convention: Section 7.4.3, Section 8.1.2
C symbol names: Section 7.4.1
c16.mac: Section 7.4.5, Section 7.5.3
c32.mac: Section 8.1.4
CALL FAR: Section 3.6
case sensitivity: Section 2.2.1, Section 4.1.1, Section 4.1.2, Section 4.1.6, Section 4.3, Section 4.4.5, Section 6.2.3
changing sections: Section 5.3
character constant: Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3
character strings: Section 3.4.2
circular references: Section 4.1.1
CLASS: Section 6.2.1
%clear: Section 4.8
coff: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.5
colon: Section 3.1
.COM: Section 6.1, Section 7.2
command-line: Section 2.1, Chapter 6
commas in macro parameters: Section 4.3.3
COMMON: Section 5.7, Section 6.2.1
COMMON, elf extensions to: Section 6.7.5
COMMON, obj extensions to: Section 6.2.8
Common Object File Format: Section 6.5
common variables: Section 5.7
common variables, alignment in elf: Section 6.7.5
common variables, element size: Section 6.2.8
comp.lang.asm.x86: Section 1.1.1, Section 1.2
comp.os.linux.announce: Section 1.2
comp.os.msdos.programmer: Section 7.3
concatenating macro parameters: Section 4.3.7
condition codes as macro parameters: Section 4.3.8
conditional assembly: Section 4.4
conditional jumps: Section 11.1.2
conditional-return macro: Section 4.3.8
configure: Section 1.3.2
constants: Section 3.4
context stack: Section 4.7, Section 4.7.5
context-local labels: Section 4.7.2
context-local single-line macros: Section 4.7.3
counting macro parameters: Section 4.3.5
CPU: Section 5.8
CPUID: Section 3.4.3
creating contexts: Section 4.7.1
critical expression: Section 3.2.2, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.8, Section 4.1.6, Section 5.4
-D option: Section 2.1.18
-d option: Section 2.1.18
.data: Section 6.7.2, Section 6.8, Section 6.9, Section 6.10, Section 6.11
_DATA: Section 7.4.2
data: Section 6.7.4, Section 6.11.3
data structure: Section 7.4.4, Section 8.1.3
__DATE__: Section 4.8.7
__DATE_NUM__: Section 4.8.7
DB: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
dbg: Section 6.12
DD: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
debug information: Section 2.1.12
debug information format: Section 2.1.11
declaring structures: Section 4.8.8
DEFAULT: Section 5.2
default: Section 6.7.4
default macro parameters: Section 4.3.4
default name: Chapter 6
default-WRT mechanism: Section 6.2.7
%define: Section 2.1.18, Section 4.1.1
defining sections: Section 5.3
%defstr: Section 4.1.7
%depend: Section 4.6.3
design goals: Section 2.2.2
DevPac: Section 3.2.3, Section 3.9
disabling listing expansion: Section 4.3.9
division: Section 3.5.6
DJGPP: Section 6.5, Chapter 8
djlink: Section 7.1.1
DLL symbols, exporting: Section 6.2.5
DLL symbols, importing: Section 6.2.4
DO: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
DOS: Section 1.3.1, Section 2.1.14, Section 2.1.15
DOS archive:
DOS source archive: Section 1.3.1
DQ: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
.drectve: Section 6.3.1
DT: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
DUP: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.2.5
DW: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4, Section 3.4.5
DWORD: Section 3.1
DY: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4
-E option: Section 2.1.20
-e option: Section 2.1.20, Section A.3.4
effective addresses: Section 3.1, Section 3.3, Section 3.8
element size, in common variables: Section 6.2.8
ELF: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.7
ELF, shared libraries: Section 6.7.3
ELF, 16-bit code and: Section 6.7.6
elf, debug formats and: Section 6.7.7
elf, elf32, and elf64: Section 6.7
%elif: Section 4.4, Section 4.4.4
%elifctx: Section 4.4.3
%elifdef: Section 4.4.1
%elifempty: Section 4.4.8
%elifid: Section 4.4.6
%elifidn: Section 4.4.5
%elifidni: Section 4.4.5
%elifmacro: Section 4.4.2
%elifn: Section 4.4, Section 4.4.4
%elifnctx: Section 4.4.3
%elifndef: Section 4.4.1
%elifnempty: Section 4.4.8
%elifnid: Section 4.4.6
%elifnidn: Section 4.4.5
%elifnidni: Section 4.4.5
%elifnmacro: Section 4.4.2
%elifnnum: Section 4.4.6
%elifnstr: Section 4.4.6
%elifntoken: Section 4.4.7
%elifnum: Section 4.4.6
%elifstr: Section 4.4.6
%eliftoken: Section 4.4.7
%else: Section 4.4
e-mail: Section 1.2
endproc: Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
%endrep: Section 4.5
ENDSTRUC: Section 4.8.8, Section 5.4
environment: Section 2.1.28
EQU: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.8
%error: Section 4.4.9
error messages: Section 2.1.14, Section 2.1.15
error reporting format: Section 2.1.13
escape sequences: Section 3.4.2
EVEN: Section 4.8.10
.EXE: Section 6.2, Section 7.1
EXE2BIN: Section 7.2.2
EXE_begin: Section 7.1.2
exebin.mac: Section 7.1.2
exec: Section 6.7.2
Executable and Linkable Format: Section 6.7
EXE_end: Section 7.1.2
EXE_stack: Section 7.1.2
%exitrep: Section 4.5
EXPORT: Section 6.2.5
export: Section 6.11.3
exporting symbols: Section 5.6
expressions: Section 2.1.20, Section 3.5
extension: Section 2.1.1, Chapter 6
EXTERN: Section 5.5
EXTERN, obj extensions to: Section 6.2.7
EXTERN, rdf extensions to: Section 6.11.4
-F option: Section 2.1.11
-f option: Section 2.1.2, Chapter 6
far call: Section 2.2.5
far common variables: Section 6.2.8
far pointer: Section 3.6
FARCODE: Section 7.4.5, Section 7.5.3
__FILE__: Section 4.8.4
FLAT: Section 6.2.1
flat memory model: Chapter 8
flat-form binary: Section 6.1
FLOAT: Section 5.9
__FLOAT__: Section 5.9
__float128h__: Section 3.4.5
__float128l__: Section 3.4.5
__float16__: Section 3.4.5
__float32__: Section 3.4.5
__float64__: Section 3.4.5
__float8__: Section 3.4.5
__float80e__: Section 3.4.5
__float80m__: Section 3.4.5
__FLOAT_DAZ__: Section 5.9
floating-point: Section 2.2.6, Section 3.1, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.5
floating-point, constants: Section 3.4.5, Section 5.9
__FLOAT_ROUND__: Section 5.9
follows=: Section 6.1.3
format-specific directives: Chapter 5
forward references: Section 3.8
frame pointer: Section 7.4.3, Section 7.5.1, Section 8.1.2
FreeBSD: Section 6.9, Section 8.2
FreeLink: Section 7.1.1 Section 1.2 Section 7.1.1
function: Section 6.7.4, Section 6.11.3
functions, C calling convention: Section 7.4.3, Section 8.1.2
functions, Pascal calling convention: Section 7.5.1
-g option: Section 2.1.12
gas: Section 1.1.1
gcc: Section 1.1.1
GLOBAL: Section 5.6
GLOBAL, aoutb extensions to: Section 6.7.4
GLOBAL, elf extensions to: Section 6.7.4
GLOBAL, rdf extensions to: Section 6.11.3
global offset table: Section 8.2
_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_: Section 6.7.3
gnu-elf-extensions: Section 2.1.24 Section 6.7.3
GOT relocations: Section 8.2.3
GOT: Section 6.7.3, Section 8.2
..gotoff: Section 6.7.3
GOTOFF relocations: Section 8.2.2
..gotpc: Section 6.7.3
GOTPC relocations: Section 8.2.1
graphics: Section 3.2.3
greedy macro parameters: Section 4.3.3
GROUP: Section 6.2.2
groups: Section 3.6
-h: Section A.3
hex: Section 3.4.1
hidden: Section 6.7.4
hybrid syntaxes: Section 2.2.2
-I option: Section 2.1.16
-i option: Section 2.1.16, Section A.3.3
%iassign: Section 4.1.6 Section 1.2
%idefine: Section 4.1.1
%idefstr: Section 4.1.7
IEND: Section 4.8.9
%if: Section 4.4, Section 4.4.4
%ifctx: Section 4.4.3, Section 4.7.5
%ifdef: Section 4.4.1
%ifempty: Section 4.4.8
%ifid: Section 4.4.6
%ifidn: Section 4.4.5
%ifidni: Section 4.4.5
%ifmacro: Section 4.4.2
%ifn: Section 4.4, Section 4.4.4
%ifnctx: Section 4.4.3
%ifndef: Section 4.4.1
%ifnempty: Section 4.4.8
%ifnid: Section 4.4.6
%ifnidn: Section 4.4.5
%ifnidni: Section 4.4.5
%ifnmacro: Section 4.4.2
%ifnnum: Section 4.4.6
%ifnstr: Section 4.4.6
%ifntoken: Section 4.4.7
%ifnum: Section 4.4.6
%ifstr: Section 4.4.6
%iftoken: Section 4.4.7
%imacro: Section 4.3
IMPORT: Section 6.2.4
import library: Section 6.2.4
importing symbols: Section 5.5
INCBIN: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.3, Section 3.4.4
%include: Section 2.1.16, Section 2.1.17, Section 4.6.1
include search path: Section 2.1.16
including other files: Section 4.6.1
inefficient code: Section 11.1.1
infinite loop: Section 3.5
__Infinity__: Section 3.4.5
infinity: Section 3.4.5
informational section: Section 6.3.1
INSTALL: Section 1.3.2
installing: Section 1.3.1
instances of structures: Section 4.8.9
instruction list: Appendix B
Intel number formats: Section 3.4.5
internal: Section 6.7.4
ISTRUC: Section 4.8.9
iterating over macro parameters: Section 4.3.6
%ixdefine: Section 4.1.2
Jcc NEAR: Section 11.1.2
JMP DWORD: Section 9.1
jumps, mixed-size: Section 9.1
-k: Section A.3.4
-l option: Section 2.1.3
label prefix: Section 3.9
ld86: Section 6.10
LIBRARY: Section 6.11.1
license: Section 1.1.2
%line: Section 4.10.1
__LINE__: Section 4.8.4
linker, free: Section 7.1.1
Linux, a.out: Section 6.8
Linux, as86: Section 6.10
Linux, ELF: Section 6.7
listing file: Section 2.1.3
little-endian: Section 3.4.3
%local: Section 4.9.3
local labels: Section 3.9
logical AND: Section 4.4.4
logical negation: Section 3.5.7
logical OR: Section 4.4.4
logical XOR: Section 4.4.4
-M option: Section 2.1.4
mac osx: Section 6.6
mach object file format: Section 6.6
macho: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.6
%macro: Section 4.3
macro library: Section 2.1.16
macro processor: Chapter 4
macro-local labels: Section 4.3.2
macro-params: Section 2.1.24
macros: Section 3.2.5
macro-selfref: Section 2.1.24
make: Section 1.3.2
makefile dependencies: Section 2.1.4, Section 2.1.5
makefiles: Section 1.3.1, Section 1.3.2
man pages: Section 1.3.2
map files: Section 6.1.4
MASM: Section 1.1.1
MASM: Section 2.2, Section 3.2.5, Section 6.2
-MD option: Section 2.1.7
memory models: Section 2.2.5, Section 7.4.2
memory operand: Section 3.1
memory references: Section 2.2.2, Section 3.3
-MF option: Section 2.1.6
-MG option: Section 2.1.5
Microsoft OMF: Section 6.2
minifloat: Section 3.4.5
Minix: Section 6.10
misc subdirectory: Section 7.1.2, Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
mixed-language program: Section 7.4
mixed-size addressing: Section 9.2
mixed-size instruction: Section 9.1
MMX registers:
ModR/M byte:
MODULE: Section 6.11.2
modulo operators: Section 3.5.6
-MP option: Section 2.1.10
-MQ option: Section 2.1.9
MS-DOS: Section 6.1
MS-DOS device drivers: Section 7.3
-MT option: Section 2.1.8
multi-line macros: Section 2.1.24, Section 4.3
multipass optimization: Section 2.1.22
multiple section names: Section 6.1
multiplication: Section 3.5.6
multipush macro: Section 4.3.6
Multisection: Section 6.1.3
__NaN__: Section 3.4.5
NaN: Section 3.4.5
NASM version: Section 4.8.1
nasm version id: Section 4.8.2
nasm version string: Section 4.8.3
nasm.1: Section 1.3.2
__NASMDEFSEG: Section 6.2
nasm-devel: Section 1.2
nasm.exe: Section 1.3.1
nasm -f <format> -y: Section 2.1.11
nasm -hf: Section 2.1.2
__NASM_MAJOR__: Section 4.8.1
__NASM_MINOR__: Section 4.8.1
nasm.out: Section 2.1.1
___NASM_PATCHLEVEL__: Section 4.8.1
__NASM_SUBMINOR__: Section 4.8.1
__NASM_VER__: Section 4.8.3
__NASM_VERSION_ID__: Section 4.8.2 Section 1.3.1
nasm-XXX.tar.gz: Section 1.3.2 Section 1.3.1 Section 1.3.1
ndisasm: Appendix A
ndisasm.1: Section 1.3.2
ndisasm.exe: Section 1.3.1
near call: Section 2.2.5
near common variables: Section 6.2.8
NetBSD: Section 6.9, Section 8.2
new releases: Section 1.2
noalloc: Section 6.7.2
nobits: Section 6.1.3, Section 6.7.2
noexec: Section 6.7.2
.nolist: Section 4.3.9
`nowait': Section 2.2.6
nowrite: Section 6.7.2
number-overflow: Section 2.1.24
numeric constants: Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.1
-o option: Section 2.1.1, Section A.3.1
o16: Section 9.3
o32: Section 9.3
.OBJ: Section 7.1
obj: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.2
object: Section 6.7.4, Section 6.11.3
octal: Section 3.4.1
OF_DBG: Section 6.12
OF_DEFAULT: Section 2.1.2
OFFSET: Section 2.2.2
OMF: Section 6.2
omitted parameters: Section 4.3.4
-On option: Section 2.1.22
one's complement: Section 3.5.7
OpenBSD: Section 6.9, Section 8.2
operands: Section 3.1
operand-size prefixes: Section 3.1
operating system: Section 6.1
operating system, writing: Section 9.1
operators: Section 3.5
ORG: Section 6.1.1, Section 7.2.1, Section 7.2.2, Section 11.1.3
orphan-labels: Section 2.1.24, Section 3.1
OS/2: Section 6.2, Section 6.2.1
osabi: Section 6.7.1
other preprocessor directives: Section 4.10
out of range, jumps: Section 11.1.2
output file format: Section 2.1.2
output formats: Chapter 6
__OUTPUT_FORMAT__: Section 4.8.6
overlapping segments: Section 3.6
OVERLAY: Section 6.2.1
overloading, multi-line macros: Section 4.3.1
overloading, single-line macros: Section 4.1.1
-P option: Section 2.1.17
-p option: Section 2.1.17, Section 4.6.1
paradox: Section 3.8
PASCAL: Section 7.5.3
Pascal calling convention: Section 7.5.1
passes, assembly:
PATH: Section 1.3.1
%pathsearch: Section 2.1.16, Section 4.6.2
period: Section 3.9
Perl: Section 1.3.1
perverse: Section 2.1.16
PharLap: Section 6.2.1
PIC: Section 6.7.3, Section 6.9, Section 8.2
..plt: Section 6.7.3
PLT relocations: Section 6.7.3, Section 8.2.4, Section 8.2.5
plt relocations: Section 8.2.5
%pop: Section 4.7, Section 4.7.1
position-independent code: Section 6.7.3, Section 6.9, Section 8.2
--postfix: Section 2.1.27
precedence: Section 3.5
pre-defining macros: Section 2.1.18, Section 4.1.1
preferred: Section 3.6
--prefix: Section 2.1.27
pre-including files: Section 2.1.17
preprocess-only mode: Section 2.1.20
preprocessor: Section 2.1.20, Section 2.1.21, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.5.6, Chapter 4
preprocessor expressions: Section 2.1.20
preprocessor loops: Section 4.5
preprocessor variables: Section 4.1.6
primitive directives: Chapter 5
PRIVATE: Section 6.2.1
proc: Section 6.11.3, Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
procedure linkage table: Section 6.7.3, Section 8.2.4, Section 8.2.5
processor mode: Section 5.1
progbits: Section 6.1.3, Section 6.7.2
program entry point: Section 6.2.6, Section 7.1.1
program origin: Section 6.1.1
protected: Section 6.7.4
pseudo-instructions: Section 3.2
PUBLIC: Section 5.6, Section 6.2.1
pure binary: Section 6.1
%push: Section 4.7, Section 4.7.1
__QNaN__: Section 3.4.5
quick start: Section 2.2
QWORD: Section 3.1
-r: Section A.3
rdf: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.11
rdoff subdirectory: Section 1.3.2, Section 6.11
redirecting errors: Section 2.1.14
REL: Section 3.3, Section 5.2
relational operators: Section 4.4.4
Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format: Section 6.11
relocations, PIC-specific: Section 6.7.3
removing contexts: Section 4.7.1
renaming contexts: Section 4.7.4
%rep: Section 3.2.5, Section 4.5
repeating: Section 3.2.5, Section 4.5
%repl: Section 4.7.4
reporting bugs: Section 11.2
RESB: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2, Section 3.8
RESD: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RESO: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RESQ: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
REST: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RESW: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RESY: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
%rotate: Section 4.3.6
rotating macro parameters: Section 4.3.6
-s option: Section 2.1.15, Section A.3.2
searching for include files: Section 4.6.1
__SECT__: Section 5.3.1, Section 5.4
SECTION: Section 5.3
SECTION, elf extensions to: Section 6.7.2
SECTION, win32 extensions to: Section 6.3.1
section alignment, in bin: Section 6.1.2
section alignment, in elf: Section 6.7.2
section alignment, in obj: Section 6.2.1
section alignment, in win32: Section 6.3.1
section, bin extensions to: Section 6.1.2
SEG: Section 3.5.7, Section 3.6, Section 6.2
SEGMENT: Section 5.3
SEGMENT, elf extensions to: Section 6.2.1
segment address: Section 3.5.7, Section 3.6
segment alignment, in bin: Section 6.1.2
segment alignment, in obj: Section 6.2.1
segment names, Borland Pascal: Section 7.5.2
segment override: Section 2.2.4, Section 3.1
segments: Section 3.6
segments, groups of: Section 6.2.2
separator character: Section 2.1.28
shared libraries: Section 6.9, Section 8.2
shared library: Section 6.7.4
shift command: Section 4.3.6
SIB byte:
signed division: Section 3.5.6
signed modulo: Section 3.5.6
single-line macros: Section 4.1
size, of symbols: Section 6.7.4
__SNaN__: Section 3.4.5
Solaris x86: Section 6.7
-soname: Section 8.2.6
sound: Section 3.2.3
source code: Section 1.3.1
source-listing file: Section 2.1.3
square brackets: Section 2.2.2, Section 3.3
STACK: Section 6.2.1
stack relative preprocessor directives: Section 4.9
%stacksize: Section 4.9.2
standard macros: Section 4.8
standardized section names: Section 5.3, Section 6.3.1, Section 6.7.2, Section 6.8, Section 6.9, Section 6.10, Section 6.11
..start: Section 6.2.6, Section 7.1.1
start=: Section 6.1.3
stderr: Section 2.1.14
stdout: Section 2.1.15
STRICT: Section 3.7
string constant: Section 3.2.1
string constants: Section 3.4.4
string handling in macros: Section 4.2
string length: Section 4.2.1
strings: Section 3.4.2
%strlen: Section 4.2, Section 4.2.1
STRUC: Section 4.8.8, Section 5.4, Section 7.4.4, Section 8.1.3
stub preprocessor: Section 2.1.21
%substr: Section 4.2, Section 4.2.2
sub-strings: Section 4.2.2
subtraction: Section 3.5.5
suppressible warning: Section 2.1.24
suppressing preprocessing: Section 2.1.21
switching between sections: Section 5.3
..sym: Section 6.7.3
symbol sizes, specifying: Section 6.7.4
symbol types, specifying: Section 6.7.4
symbols, exporting from DLLs: Section 6.2.5
symbols, importing from DLLs: Section 6.2.4
synchronisation: Section A.3.2
.SYS: Section 6.1, Section 7.3
-t: Section 2.1.23
TASM: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.1.23
tasm: Section 2.2, Section 6.2
TBYTE: Section 2.2.7
test subdirectory: Section 7.1.1
testing, arbitrary numeric expressions: Section 4.4.4
testing, context stack: Section 4.4.3
testing, exact text identity: Section 4.4.5
testing, multi-line macro existence: Section 4.4.2
testing, single-line macro existence: Section 4.4.1
testing, token types: Section 4.4.6
.text: Section 6.7.2, Section 6.8, Section 6.9, Section 6.10, Section 6.11
_TEXT: Section 7.4.2
__TIME__: Section 4.8.7
__TIME_NUM__: Section 4.8.7
TIMES: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.5, Section 3.8, Section 11.1.3, Section 11.1.4
TLINK: Section 7.2.2
trailing colon: Section 3.1
TWORD: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.1
type, of symbols: Section 6.7.4
-U option: Section 2.1.19
-u option: Section 2.1.19, Section A.3
unary operators: Section 3.5.7
%undef: Section 2.1.19, Section 4.1.5
undefining macros: Section 2.1.19
underscore, in C symbols: Section 7.4.1
Unicode: Section 3.4.2
uninitialized: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
uninitialized storage: Section 2.2.7
Unix: Section 1.3.2
Unix, SCO: Section 6.7
Unix, source archive: Section 1.3.2
Unix, System V: Section 6.7
UnixWare: Section 6.7
unrolled loops: Section 3.2.5
unsigned division: Section 3.5.6
unsigned modulo: Section 3.5.6
UPPERCASE: Section 2.2.1, Section 6.2.3
USE16: Section 5.1.1, Section 6.2.1
USE32: Section 5.1.1, Section 6.2.1
user-defined errors: Section 4.4.9
user-level assembler directives: Section 4.8
user-level directives: Chapter 5
__UTC_DATE__: Section 4.8.7
__UTC_DATE_NUM__: Section 4.8.7
__UTC_TIME__: Section 4.8.7
__UTC_TIME_NUM__: Section 4.8.7
UTF-8: Section 3.4.2
-v option: Section 2.1.25
VAL: Section 7.1.1
valid characters: Section 3.1
variable types: Section 2.2.3
version: Section 2.1.25
version number of NASM: Section 4.8.1
vfollows=: Section 6.1.3
Visual C++: Section 6.3
vstart=: Section 6.1.3
-w option: Section 2.1.24
warnings: Section 2.1.24
[warning +warning-name]: Section 2.1.24
[warning -warning-name]: Section 2.1.24
win64: Section 6.4, Chapter 10
Win64: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.2, Section 6.3, Chapter 8
Windows: Section 7.1
Windows 95:
Windows NT:
write: Section 6.7.2
writing operating systems: Section 9.1
WRT: Section 3.6, Section 6.2, Section 6.7.3, Section 6.9
WRT Section 8.2.3
WRT ..gotoff: Section 8.2.2
WRT ..gotpc: Section 8.2.1
WRT ..plt: Section 8.2.5
WRT ..sym: Section 8.2.4
WWW page: Section 1.2 Section 1.3.1 Section 7.1.1 Section 7.1.1
-X option: Section 2.1.13 Section 7.1.1
%xdefine: Section 4.1.2
-y option: Section 2.1.26
-Z option: Section 2.1.14
