Archimedes Screws now under review in Maine |
Flows downstream and generates power, or can be pumped upstream w/migrating fish |
The new Maine HYDROPOWER SITE ATLAS Project is nearing completion. If interested
in the project contact me at fjheller@myfairpoint.net or Patrick Woodcock at the Maine State Energy Office. A formal site assessment for even
Microhydro is essential since manufacturers will require critical information prior to a sale and issuing a warranty; and
Maine's D.E.P. requires approx. 27 areas to be addressed in a permit application
The initial on-site assessment currently costs $250--sample assessments are available for your review.
Depending on the assessment,
additional technical studies may need to be performed, i.e. watershed/habitat impact, penstock layout, civil engineering for
weirs, abutments, electrical engineering for hybrid power systems, R.O.I. analysis; financing w/grants and tax credits,
and DEP/local permitting. Sub-studies will address either design constraints or permit requirements. If you supervised
the design/construction of your house or operate a farm; you can probably act as a project manager and tap into the specialized
expertise we can supply on a consulting basis.
These assessments are critical when applying for various state and local
permits; and designing your facility so that environmental, zoning, etc. regulations are complied with. Maine's environmental
regulations are daunting making a design which full respects the environment essential.
Combo Powerspout LH & Waterwheel |
Combining old and new hydro technology |
Coanda 'fish friendly' intakes from Cook weirs |
Low head, easy fish passage, low maintenance |
Maine was built around water
mills using rivers, streams and unique tidal power weirs. In 1820, there were over 1,400 water mills in operation; in Vinalhaven
a tidal mill powered America's largest granite finishing plant, a flour mill, and a wood working plant; and before the
turn of the last century, many water mills converted to electric generation. At some like Clary Pond in Whitefield, the original
millwork mill pulleys made from Lignum Vitea are still seen under neath the mill building; while a 3' rusted penstock
powered a Westinghouse generator, replacing the pulley system is still evident adjacent to the mill building.
 Maine's rich history of water-powered economic development is best found by reading the 1869 HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY OF MAINE by Walter Wells first, then Earl Taylor's book and finally watching the Maine Public Broadcasting Video on water mills.
Do you want to try building a small water mill?
at http://www.muehlendvd.de/indexe.htm a beautifully scripted compendium of videos, technical descriptions of over 300 European water mills, complete
with sound track.
SPOOM http://www.spoom.org/ & http://www.spoommidatlantic.org/ The Mill at Freedom Falls
www.millatfreedomfalls.com/hydropower.html WORLD WIDE resources http://www.windmillworld.com/watermills/watermilllinks.htm
You can also search UTUBE for various PowerPoints that show various installations. I have a small collection
of several which detail installations, from impound to penstock to generator house and electrical ties.
Compliance with State & Federal Regulations
matter what you decide to do, you may have to submit an application for a permit to DEP contact them, visit the website at
http://www.maine.gov/dep/water/dams-hydro/index.html or call (207) 287-7784 for a permit 'kit'. **Kathy Davis Howatt replaced Dana Murch as Hydro power coordinator(
kathy.howatt@maine.gov 446-2642) This is one stop shopping and the regulatory process is in the process of being reformed. Don't
forget about the impact of Maine's new Lake levelling regulation and drawing down the lake or pond for power or repairs.
You will need help submitting an application that is acceptable to DEP. I can prepare your microhydro application
and tailor your installation to meet critical concerns found in the application's 27 criteria for siting and construction.
SITE ASSESSMENTS are essential!!
You must have sufficient flow over time to select the 'best'
energy extraction device for your waterway. There are a variety of techniques to measure head or pressure(PSI) and flow
in terms of gallons per second. With these two variables the theoretical WATTS can be calculated, and then discounted based
on the efficiencies of components of your system. You will need to annualize your flows over a year and factor in everything
from a 100 year rain event to drought and maintenance of downstream water flows.
Want to Improve your waterway to restore
various fish populations?
We have the latest technology to protect your aquatic environment including
weirs that have integrated fishways, hydro screens, coandas, and invasive species filters. You
can also search UTUBE for various PowerPoints that show various installations. I have a small collection of several which
detail installations, from impound to penstock to generator house and electrical ties.
You will need help submitting an application that is acceptable to DEP. I can prepare
your microhydro application and tailor your installation to meet critical concerns found in the application's 27 criteria
for siting and construction.
SITE ASSESSMENTS are essential---still only $250 + gas mileage.
You must have sufficient flow over time to select the 'best' energy extraction device for your waterway.
There are a variety of techniques to measure head or pressure(PSI) and flow in terms of gallons per second. With these
two variables the theoretical WATTS can be calculated, and then discounted based on the efficiencies of components of your
system. You will need to annualize your flows over a year and factor in everything from a 100 year rain event to drought and
maintenance of downstream water flows.
Katahdin Energy Works 12 Belmont St.
ME. 04011-3004
Phone: (207) 729-6090
SKYPE: fjhellermpa
SOLAR ENERGY INSTALLER, certificate SL90000897, Maine PUC, State Energy Program Small Hydro Association, E2TECH energy council, Renewable Energy Association,
American Solar Energy Society
For rates, services & product literature