The page you are looking for is no longer available at this address. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience and consider the options below.

  1. If the URL you used has the format "www.sover.net/~username" try contacting the owner of by email to username@sover.net. URLs written in this format belong not to SoVerNet, but to one of our customers.

  2. If the URL you sought was a page on our SoVerNet website, try the following:
  • If you were trying a bookmarked page, it may be that the extension was changed when we revamped the site. Redirects have been in place, but are being phased out, so look at the extension of your bookmarked page and if it ends in “.html” try changing it to “.shtml” and see if it works.
  • Back—this will return you to your previous location, as will the browser’s “Back” button
  • Click here for our Main page.
  • Use the search function below to search our site: