Northern Androscoggin Weather
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy. (40.3 °F)
Last update: 10/15/2024 5:03:07 AM
Outdoor: 40.3 °F
Trend in last hour: +0.3 °F (Rising)
Windchill: 40.3 °F
Heat Index: 40.3 °F
Humidity: 79%
Currently: 0.00 in / hour
Today: 0.00 in
October: 1.29 in
2024: 24.25 in
Average Speed: 1.0 mph F1 (Light air)
Bearing: NW
Gust: 4.0 mph
Sea Level: 29.617 in
Trend: 0.005 Steady
Highest temperature: 40.6 °F
Lowest temperature: 38.1 °F
Highest Pressure: 29.622 in
Lowest Pressure: 29.596 in
Rainfall total: 0.00 in
Windspeed: 5.0 mph at 02:32
Wind gust: 13.0 mph at 01:03
Rainfall rate per hour: 0.00 in at 00:00
Highest temperature: 45.6 °F
Lowest temperature: 38.0 °F
Highest Pressure: 29.862 in
Lowest Pressure: 29.538 in
Rainfall total: 0.54 in
Windspeed: 3.0 mph at 21:32
Wind gust: 13.0 mph at 22:02
Rainfall rate per hour: 0.53 in at 12:39
Records -- Highs and Lows
Highest Temperature: 100.1 °F at 2:47 PM on 11 August 2016
Lowest Temperature: -16.0 °F at 6:16 AM on 04 February 2023
Daily rain fall: 3.73 in on 30 September 2015
Hourly rain fall: 1.79 in at 8:32 PM on 28 July 2014
Monthly rain fall: 8.23 in March 2024
Heaviest rain fall rate: 82.29 in/hour at 12:01 PM on 04 February 2015
Highest Windspeed: 23.0 mph at 12:46 PM on 05 January 2015
Highest Wind gust: 54.0 mph at 7:00 PM on 23 December 2022
Highest pressure: 30.883 in at 9:35 AM on 15 January 2018
Lowest pressure: 28.722 in at 4:22 PM on 07 February 2020
Records since: 30 October 2015
iCumulus for the iPhone
version 1.2, September 2009
David A Jamieson
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