Conditions at local time 17:45 on 12 February 2025
Temperature and humidity |
Feel like Temp | 22.8 | | |
Temperature | 23.4°F | Humidity | 55% |
Apparent Temperature | 17.0°F | Last hour variation (3hrs) | -1.0°F |
Wet thermometer | 20.4°F | Last hour variation (Falling) | -1.1°F |
Average Temperature | 19.5°F | Dew point | 9.6°F |
Windchill | no | Chill hours | 2434.1 |
Humidex | no | Heat index | no |
Cloud base | 3136 ft | Is sun up | No |
Rainfall |
Rainfall rate | 0.00 in/hr | Rainfall Today | 0.00 in |
Rainfall Last Hour | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Month | 0.74 in |
Rainfall since midnight | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Year | 33.99 in |
Rainfall last 24h | 0.00 in | Last rainfall (3 Day, 7 Hour, 58 Min) | 2025-02-09 09:47 |
RG-11 Total rainfall so far | 0.00in | | |
Wind |
Current wind speed | 0.0 mph | Wind direction | SSW |
Wind Speed (gust) | 3.0 mph | Wind bearing | 192° |
Wind speed (avg) | 1.0° | Wind bearing (avg) | 192° |
Wind bearing range from | 190° (190°) | to | 200° (193°) |
Beaufort scale | F1 | Light air | SSW |
Pressure (sea level) |
Barometer | 30.430 in | Altimeter pressure | 30.359 in |
Pressure trend | 0.018 in | Rising |
Sun and Moon |
Sunrise | 06:45 | Sunset | 17:06 |
Dawn | 06:15 | Dusk | 17:36 |
Moonrise | 17:23 | Moonset | 07:03 |
Day length | 10:21 | Length of daylight | 11:21 |
Moon age | 15 Day | | |
Our Location |
Latitude | N 44° 24' 43" | Longitude | W 70° 14' 30" |
Altitude | 705 ft | | |