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                      Services Provided by MikeTek

MikeTek has over thirty five years of real world experience in Analog, Digital,
                     RF/Wireless products and systems, specializing in product development
                     and testing. Services are performed at clients' facility, in the field, or at
                     MikeTek facilities in Colchester, Vermont (if practical).

                            MikeTek provides the following and other services:

                                   PCB and MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY SERVICES:
* assembly of surface-mount and thru-hole PCB assemblies
              * assembly of coaxial and wire cable assemblies
              * assembly of fiber-optic cable assemblies
              * electro-mechanical assembly of products
              * construction of RF inductors , RF coils , and RF transformers

                                   PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES:
* define product to be developed
              * build proto-type circuit/product from sketch or schematic
              * test proto-type and modify where necessary
              * draw schematic diagram of proto-type
              * create Bill of Materials/Parts list for proto-type
              * interface with drafting personnel regarding formal schematics, PCB
                  artwork, and mechanical packaging/layout.
              * recommend components and assemblies during design phase
              * purchase components needed for assembly of PCBs
              * pick up/deliver parts to/from local vendors with MikeTek vehicle

                                   TEST and REPAIR SERVICES:
* repair and testing of most any Analog, Digital, or RF/Wireless product
              * repair, modification, and testing of PCB assemblies
              * repair and testing of coaxial and wire cable assemblies
              * repair and testing of electro-mechanical assemblies
              * repair and testing of fiber-optic cable assemblies
              * repair/test/calibration of electronic test equipment
              * repair and testing of antenna/feedline systems
              * repair and testing of iDEN cellular base station equipment
              * field repair and testing
              * testing of RF inductors , RF coils , and RF transformers

                                   Other SERVICES and CAPABILITIES Include:
              * travel to field support products after factory training
              * proficient in the use of analog /digital oscilloscopes, meters, and
                  spectrum/network analyzers to perform measurements in the DC
                  to 18 GHz frequency domain range
              * proficient in the use of Anritsu Site Master antenna analyzers to perform
                  antenna and feedline evaluations
              * proficient in the use of hand tools, drill presses, and other shop tools
              * literate with DOS/Windows 3.x/95/98/2000/XP PC-based computer systems
              * familiar with QBASIC computer programming
              * familiar with Liberty BASIC v2.02/3.03/4.01 computer programming
              * familiar with BASIC STAMP PBASIC computer programming
              * familiar with Microchip PIC Microcontroller assembly language programming
              * familiar with ORCAD (SDT 386 DOS version) schematic capture
                  CAD drawing package
              * familiar with ProComm Plus Terminal Emulation software
                  including script file creation
              * familiar with EPROM/PAL/Microcontroller programming/erasing using
                  EPROM/PAL/Microcontroller programmer/eraser
              * familiar with accessing the Internet, using Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Communicator
                  and Internet Explorer , to obtain data sheets and component literature
              * Printed Circuit Board Layout using ExpressPCB
              * Schematic Capture using ExpressSCH
              * familiar with Arduino programming/hardware development

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                                                         Last Updated March 01, 2025
                                                                                    © 2025 MikeTek