Spring Fishing

"ICE OUT" Salmon fishing is our specialty. Prime time begins the day of ice out (late April), and continues through the third week of May.  During this time, we run two half day charters daily.

The weather can be quite cool & warm clothes are a necessity. All tackle and equipment is provided.  Clients are responsible for obtaining their valid New Hampshire fishing license and are required to wear rubber soled footwear.  Licences & licensing information is available at he NH Fish and Game Department.

Take a Kid Fishing

We are delighted to have children aboard. All children are required to have lifejackets at all times and it is YOUR responsibility to produce these.

Spring fishing is done using streamer flies on 4 lb test leader.  Salmon will go from    2-6 lbs,  With larger fish occasionally taken.  Rainbow trout average 2-5 lbs and a rainbow over 13 lbs has been taken from this lake.

We Catch Rainbow Too
The Ladies Also Do Well

Summer - Fall Charters

Fishing during the summer and early fall is done best during the early morning. Our charters during the summer time run from 5:00 am to 9:00 am. After Labor Day we are back to two charters a day: 6:00am - 10:00am and 3:00pm - 7:00pm. See our pricing page for more details.

Lets not forget the fall fishing. This is a nice September Salmon.
Another late season beauty.
Fall Salmon tend to be pretty HEFTY!

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