Records began on 05 June 2013. Here are the extremes recorded since then.
Temperature and humidity | |||
Highest Temperature | 49.0 °F | at 13:29 on 06 January 2014 | |
Lowest Temperature | -13.0 °F | at 07:32 on 08 January 2015 | |
Highest Dew Point | 47.9 °F | at 13:29 on 06 January 2014 | |
Lowest Dew Point | -23.3 °F | at 07:32 on 08 January 2015 | |
Highest Apparent Temperature | 47.6 °F | at 13:57 on 06 January 2014 | |
Lowest Apparent Temperature | -24.7 °F | at 04:46 on 08 January 2015 | |
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature | -36.5 °F | at 06:32 on 08 January 2015 | |
Highest Heat Index | 49.0 °F | at 13:29 on 06 January 2014 | |
Lowest Maximum | 54.2 °F | at 00:00 on 30 December 1899 | |
Highest Minimum | 2.5 °F | at 00:00 on 02 January 2014 | |
Highest Humidity | 96 °F | at 10:17 on 06 January 2014 | |
Lowest Humidity | 28 °F | at 12:57 on 29 January 2014 | |
Largest Daily Range | 35.3 °F | on 05 January 2015 | |
Smallest Daily Range | 4.5 °F | on 27 January 2015 | |
Rainfall | |||
Highest Rain Rate | 5.54 in | at 11:24 on 06 January 2014 | |
Highest Hourly Rainfall | 0.95 in | at 12:13 on 06 January 2014 | |
Highest Daily Rainfall | 1.67 in | on 06 January 2014 | |
Highest Monthly Rainfall | 3.86 in | January 2014 | |
Longest Dry Period | 8 Day | to 27 January 2015 | |
Longest Wet Period | 2 Day | to 06 January 2014 | |
Wind | |||
Highest Wind Gust | 47.0 mph | at 12:38 on 05 January 2015 | |
Highest Wind Speed Average | 23.0 mph | at 12:46 on 05 January 2015 | |
Highest Daily Wind Run | 284.6 miles | on 05 January 2015 | |
Pressure (sea level) | |||
Lowest Pressure | 29.140 in | at 23:33 on 11 January 2014 | |
Highest Pressure | 30.709 in | at 10:11 on 03 January 2015 |
Page updated : 10/30/2015 5:00:01 AM
powered by Cumulus 3.0.0 (3031)