Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters

R.A.R.E. Constitution
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Our Club Constitution

Article One Name:


             Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters


Article Two Purpose:


             To further technical aspects of amateur radio, in a non


             restricted environment.


Article Three Membership:


             Keep it simple and fun.


Article Four Officers:


             A secretary, then others when decided by the general   




     Section One:


             How many officers, what kind are needed to be decided or


             changed by the general  membership at any club meeting or




     Section Two:


             Officer(s) are nominated at the May meeting (activity) each


             year to serve for one year,  may be decided to serve one


             additional year by the general membership.


Article Five Meetings:


             Twelve activities or such a year.  To be decided by the


             general membership.


Article Six Amendments:


             Any proposed amendment to this constitution may be


             submitted at any regular meeting or (activity). Amendments


             must be signed by at least two (2) active club members.










                                                        Outline of By- Laws


One Membership:


     Section One:   Names of proposed new members shall be  


               submitted to the general  membership verbal or written.


               Each name shall be proposed by one (1) member.


     Section Two:  All names of candidates for membership who


               have been passed  unanimously by the general membership    


               shall be recommended to the club at a   regular meeting or




     Section Three: A member who wishes to resign at any time from


               the club shall give  notice of such intention.


Two Dues:


     Section One: The initiation fee shall be a project which is


              decided to be decided by that person. Such project upon


              completion remains his or hers.


     Section Two: The annual dues shall be a project to be


              determined by that person.


     Section Three: Members who have been declared in arrears in


              the payment of dues shall not be eligible.


     Section Four: Any member who has not paid dues for six (6)


             months from due date may be dropped from membership at


             any activity or meeting as decided by the general




     Section Five: Any member who has been dropped from


              membership because of non-participation, or who has been


              absent for one year or more without good excuse must


              present a completed project for re-instatement at any


              club meeting or activity before  the general membership.





 Three Duties of Officers:


     Section One: Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of


             the club at regular   activities or meetings or such to be


             determined by the general membership for such   activities


             as needed at that time.


   Section Two: President shall conduct all good faith efforts to


              publicly promote the efforts and intentions of the club.


              This person shall represent the club in any liaison  matters


              that may arise from club interactions.




   This constitution is accepted by the following founders as


written this 27th day of July, 1994. This constitution can be


amended at any such time as seen fit by the general membership to


suit such needs for the club.














     Amendment One: A meeting shall be described as anytime (2) two


club members communicate on a simplex frequency or club


sponsored repeated to discuss business-  which can be said to be


of a technical nature or discussion or for club business.