Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters

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KB1BXH is the club callsign of the Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters.
We are a small club where the main interest is in the technicial aspect of the hobby; such as homebrewing , projects, and experimenting with new modes. 
The KB1BXH repeater is now located in Mendon, 444.875 +offset with a 103.5 pl. The Club Net is Sunday 8pm Local Time on this repeater. No club affliation is required. We ask that all participating stations hold a valid amateur callsign/license. The nets are of the informal nature and are open to discussion.
 We now have the KB1IOZ UHF repeater up and running in Pittsford,Vt. The frequency output is 449.275 with a 103.5 PL tone, - 5 MHZ input.
For further information on the specifics please review the repeater page.

We welcome all visting and local amateurs in the area to join in on the repeater's.
In 1995 it was proposed by Tony K2DDE and accepted that we use 147.800 for simplex operations.  This is the official club simplex frequency to date.
The KB1BXH callsign is used for many activities.
A QSL card is required by the club from all members using the callsign for confirmed QSO's and for the exchange of QSL card information.  So please inquire as to who the authorized operator is when making a contact and how they wish you to QSL . The Callsign Trustee is AA1PR.

73 de KB1BXH


How to Become a Member?

Please contact any club member or AA1PR.
The process is very simple. The initiation fee is to build something that you would like to have, could use, or want to have.
The initial homebrew project is presented to club members at a regular meeting.
The yearly due is also a homebrew project of your choice. Which is then presented at a regular meeting.
We do not emphasis on club politics but rather the technical aspect of the hobby. This is our common interest. This has kept the club strong and alive for many years since its inception in early 1994.
So if you like to burn your fingers and build things than by all means please look no further.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:
Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters
PO Box 655
West Rutland, VT. 05777

Please contact via email for further information.

73, KB1BXH