1. The name
of this board shall be the West Central Maine Umpires
Association (WCMUA) of Softball Officials. We shall be affiliated
with the Maine Chapter of the Amateur Softball Association (the ASA), and the
National Federation of High School Officials.
2. The
Purpose of this organization shall be:
a. To promote
softball in the Farmington area.
b. To develop
a good working relationship among players, teams, fellow officials, and the
general public, as well as the Maine Amateur Softball Association and the
National Federation of High School Sports Officials.
c. To promote
good sportsmanship and fair play.
d. To strive
for excellence in umpiring in the State of Maine.
e. To
recruit, train, and develop new umpires for the good of the game.
a. Open to
all ASA and/or Federation umpires with valid credentials to transfer into our
New members: 1) Must be 18 years
old by May 1st of the current year, 2) Must pass through
Law 3) Must attend six or more clinics in the spring, and obtain a
passing score on both the 100-question NFHS exam and the National ASA exam and
4) Must be approved by the majority of the
c. Veterans
must attend as many clinics as possible and obtain passing scores on the NFHS
and ASA open book exams.
d. All members
must pay annual dues established by the ASA and to the local board, which will
be used to defray the cost of purchasing rule books, exams, clinic materials,
hiring clinicians, and renting films, as well as underwriting the costs of
assigning games for each official.
e. Loss of
membership may occur:
When a member fails to pay his/her dues for one year.
When a member is suspended by the
Board’s Executive Committee
inappropriate actions.
When a member accepts a bribe or shows favoritism for one team or
When a member shows unethical behaviors, gives unjust criticism of a
fellow official, or refuses to co-operate with a fellow official.
When an umpire refuses to wear to the proper uniform set forth by the
When an umpire fails to attend a minimum number of clinics in one
season. Absences may be approved by the Board’s Executive Committee.
Reinstatement may occur after a one-year suspension provided that the umpire
passes all the introductory requirements of a new umpire.
g. For a
second suspension the individual is suspended permanently from the board.
h. Associate
members are former members who have not qualified for assignment for failing to
attend the required number of meetings or for not attaining a passing score on
the umpire’s examinations. They may reapply for full membership in the
following season.
The board shall
meet up to seven times prior to the first playable game in the spring. There shall
be a minimum of six 2-hour clinics to review new rules, practice umpire mechanics,
and administer the ASA and Federation examinations. Clinics shall provide an
opportunity for members to refresh their knowledge of the rules of the game.
There shall also be a 3-hour on the field mechanics clinic as well.
To conduct the board’s official business, a quorum shall be defined as a
majority of the
Executive Committee, and / or a majority of the board
2. The
Executive Committee shall consist of these officers: President, Vice President,
Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpire-in-Chief, Assigner, and a volunteer
member or members at large. The Executive Committee shall meet from time to
time to deal with the professional development of the board.
3. Board
Officers and their Responsibilities:
a. All board
officers shall be elected for two-year terms commencing upon their election in
b. The
President shall schedule and moderate all meetings. He shall establish an
agenda, & recruit clinicians. The Vice President shall replace the President
when he is unable to fulfill these duties.
c. The
Secretary shall keep minutes for all board meetings, and maintain a record for
member attendance. He shall also be responsible for all records dealing with
umpire’s address, phone numbers, etc.
d. The
Treasurer shall collect the dues for the ASA and local association, and publish
an annual report to the Board about the finances. He/she shall pay any fees
incurred and authorized by the board.
e. The UIC
shall administer both exams for members each year, and act as the board’s
ultimate authority on the Rules of the Game. He shall be the major instructor
for rules clinics.
f. The
Assigner shall be the person responsible for scheduling games for all umpires.
He shall be appointed by the
Executive Board.
He shall work closely with the schools and provide an important service for the
board and the teams in our district.
g. Officers
shall serve 2 year terms. The President and Secretary shall be elected on
odd-numbered years and the Vice President and Treasure on even-numbered years.
by a unanimous vote of the membership. April 13, 2004
Revisions adopted by unanimous
vote. 03.06.05
submitted in writing and adopted by a 2/3’s vote of the membership.
Charter Members:
Umpire in Chief: Ken
Ellingwood |
Mary Berry |
Sarah Nichols |
Assigner: Brian James
Scott Broomhall |
Babe Thaniel Smith |
President: Mike Simoneau |
Ricky Clark |
Louis Webster |
Vice President: Scott
Gauvin |
Gina DiCrocco |
Past President &
Treasurer: Gary Knight |
Chris Gorham |
Secretary: Bob Bourassa |
Skip Ladd |
Executive Com. Jim Smith
Lisa Patrie |