Standard Services
New firearm sales
and service
Aftermarket product installations
Metal Work
- Draw filing, stoning, hand sanding up to 1200 grit with proper backing
for ripple free, completely flat surfaces and sharp edges
- Buffing wheels from 120 grit to 800 grit for factory finishes
- Bead blasting/matte finishes
- Modern hot salts bluing, authentic rust bluing
- Proper finishing/polishing for bone&charcoal color case hardening and
nitre bluing
Stock Work
- Custom stocks (inletting, shaping, alterations,fitting)
- Note- at this time I prefer semi-inletted walnut blanks
- Custom finishes applied by hand
- Authentic "period correct" finishes
- Expert recoil pad installations
- Inletted sling swivel bases, steel grip caps
- Recheckering & occasional new pattern checkering
Repair Services
- Provided for most firearms
- Every effort is made to obtain original parts from a network of reputable
sources, however reproduction parts may be the only option for some obsolete firearms
Scope services
- New scopes/optics sales, base/ring mounting, ring alignment, boresighting
- Service for vintage Lyman Super Targetspot scopes, including recoil spring
installations, disassembly/cleaning, lens cleaning
Specialty Services
- Extensive experience with unique, rare and obsolete firearms
- Professional cleaning/internal restorations for virtually all models
of firearms
- Chamber/bore casting
- Vintage shotgun chamber reaming using match grade reamers with
long forcing cones for safe use of modern shells with improved performance
- Trigger tuning, competition trigger installations
- 1911 pistol modifications
- Professional mirror polishing of complete pistols (all "High Standard" models
are a personal favorite)
- Pre-engraving preparation/polishing
- Post engraving bluing
Antique cleaning/preservation services
- Extreme attention to detail
- Digital photo documentation of matching numbers, internal parts condition
& schematic layout
- Properly fitted hollow
ground screw slot blades are always used for all disassembly projects
- No abrasives used. Only very delicate use of extra fine 0000 steel wool
when needed for rust removal and stubborn accumulations of dried oils and powder fouling
- Use of natural bristle brushes, toothbrushes, nylon bore brushes & bronze
bore brushes
- Cleaning chemicals/products include denatured alcohol, mineral spirits,
various lead & copper solvents, Dicro-Clean 909, rust inhibiting grease, Breakfree with Teflon, Renaissance wax &
Carnuba stock wax
Note from the owner-
At the present time WMC does not offer machining. However,
please check back frequently as I will announce the arrival of new machines and new services. Some of my specialties include
bolt action rebarreling with premium match grade barrels, accurizing & blueprinting receivers, complete custom rifle
building and custom stock making from solid blanks.