In shop restoration estimates are free. General
shop rates are $40-60/hour.
$40 per hour
- Trigger tuning for bolt actions, 1911 style pistols, Ruger 10/22 rifles
and Mark2 pistols, High Standard pistols, etc.
- Aftermarket installations including sights & triggers
- Most repairs and parts installations
- Disassembly and cleaning for modern firearms
- Scope mounting
- Recoil pad fitting/installation
- Standard metal finishing, stock stripping/refinishing,
- Stock inletting, shaping & fitting, basic recheckering, glass bedding,
- Range time with customer's weapon for zeroing, test firing, private instruction,
$60 per hour
- Recheckering complex patterns
- High end stock repairs
- Double shotgun work
- Antique work including detailed disassembly, photo documentation, restorations,
It is my goal to provide high quality, cost conscious services. Many
projects have a set "package price". Firearms must be physically inspected
to ensure an accurate quote for all restoration/custom refinishing work. Please inquire and I'll gladly discuss previous,
related projects.
Prices subject to change depending on condition of firearm.